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Previous events
1st meeting: Huddersfield
11-18 May 2003
2nd meeting: Tamperee
6-12 September 2003
3rd meeting in Budapest:
24-30 April 2004
4th meeting in Lisbon
18-22 Oct 2004
5th meeting in Eindhoven
5-11 June 2005
6th meeting in Heraklion
9-12 October 2005




Europe - Education and Training

The Leonardo da Vinci Community vocational training action programme, introduced in 1994, is now entering its second phase, which will run from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2006.
Promoting a Europe of knowledge is central to the implementation of the programme, which seeks to consolidate a European co-operation area for education and training.

The programme actively supports the lifelong training policies conducted by the Member States. It supports innovative transnational initiatives for promoting the knowledge, aptitudes and skills necessary for successful integration into working life and the full exercise of citizenship, and affords scope for links with other Community initiatives - particularly the Socrates and Youth programmes - by supporting joint actions.

The broad lines of this second phase are set out in the Council Decision of 26 April 1999 (OJ L146 of 11 June 1999), which affirms the need to develop quality, innovation and the European dimension in vocational training systems and practices through transnational co-operation.

Multi-annual Community calls for proposals are planned for the periods 2000-2002, 2003-2004 and 2005-2006. The calls will set up the annual deadlines for the submission and selection of proposals and will specify particularly the priorities for these calls.

Link to the main Leonardo site, Leonardo National Agency (Hungary)

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