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Previous events
1st meeting: Huddersfield
11-18 May 2003
2nd meeting: Tamperee
6-12 September 2003
3rd meeting in Budapest:
24-30 April 2004
4th meeting in Lisbon
18-22 Oct 2004
5th meeting in Eindhoven
5-11 June 2005
6th meeting in Heraklion
9-12 October 2005




The second meeting

  • Date
    8 - 12 September, 2003

  • Venue
    Tampere, Finland

  • Participants

    László Kadocsa Hungary
    Pál Pentelényi Hungary
    Péter Tóth Hungary
    David Lord Great Britain
    Matthew Pearson Great Britain
    Anton van den Brink Netherlands
    Paul Dirckx Netherlands
    Alcino Pascoal Portugal
    Eeva Manni Finland

The reason and the purpose of the meeting

The meeting was organised according to the original project plan and the detailed plans made in the opening meeting in Huddersfield in May 2003.
The main goal of the meeting was to present and to discuss the work done after the meeting in Huddersfield and to arrange the tasks to be done during the academic year 2003 - 2004 (WP 2 and WP3).

Main results of the meeting

  1. Partners presented their initial national/institutional reports of virtual learning environment (VLE) usage, and the features and development of VLE usage was discussed.
  2. Work package 2
    The focus in WP2 is in staff development. The UK partners prepare a questionnaire for staff skills and deliver it via email soon after the meeting. Each partner collects questionnaires among the teacher training staff (about 10 persons) and prepares initial analysis of staff needs. Overall summary document will be produced.
  3. Work package 3
    The deliverables in WP3 are:
    • ITT curriculum reform proposals
    • Module specifications for European collaboration module and adapted ITT modules
    • Validation support documents from institutions
    • Materials for electronic learning strategy

    The European collaboration will be a common module. The UK partners will draft the module and circulate it for comment and amendments in November. The comments will be given by December and the module will be revised and finished by February 2004.
    The templates for ITT adaptation will be circulated by November and completed by January 2004. The documentation relating to validation and accreditation at institutes will be done in April 2004.
  4. The meeting in Hungary in April 2004 will include project meeting in Budapest and a visit to the Pécs University.
    The interim report must be discussed during the meeting. The co-ordinator will send forms and tasks to the partners to support individual preparation before the meeting.
  5. The www-sites of the project will be in the address http://velvitt.banki.hu.
  6. The participants became acquainted with the Finnish projects concerning e-learning and e-government:
    • Comparison of VLEs
    • eTampere programme
    • e-learning and e-government at Tampere Polytechnic

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